Event Design | Social Media Community Management | Content Creation | Videography | Photography | Strategic Marketing | Advertising
Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF) is a social service agency with a mission to improve the quality of life of children with cancer and their families and children impacted by cancer through enhancing their emotional, social and medical well-being.
Hair for hope
Hair for Hope is Children's Cancer Foundation's signature fundraising campaign - the only head-shaving campaign in Singapore that serves to raise funds and awareness of childhood cancer. This year, we hope to encourage at least 2,000 participants to join our cause and raise $3 million to aid children and families affected by cancer. www.hairforhope.org.sg
Choo! Choo! The Hope Train needs to depart from its station but it is missing a few important parts. Help Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF) build a bigger and bolder Hope Train for our children and families affected by childhood cancer. www.thehopetrain.org.sg